High-performance polymers for sealing applications
The sealing of Oxygen really is one of the most demanding applications in the area of high-performance polymers.
To master this task, a chemically inert polymer (PTFE) with a sophisticated filling recipe is required. The ESKAFLON 305 combines high sealing efficiency with excellent fire resistance – tested by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung [Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing] (BAM).
Applications using pure Oxygen pose the highest requirements of a sealing material. In particular under high temperatures and pressures, an uncontrolled burn-off may occur.
To minimise the risk of Oxygen burn-off, a special recipe based on PTFE named ESKAFLON 305 was developed, which combines an excellent sealing efficiency
with a high flame recistance – and this checked by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung [Federal In- stitute for Material Research and Testing] (BAM).
The test has proved that the ESKAFLON 305 can be used with the following maxi- mum parameters:
Course record flight
The application spectrum for the material ESKAFLON 305 ranges from use in oxygen-carrying fittings to sealing rings for Oxygen pumps.
Thus, for example, STASSKOL was able to provide technical support for the course record flight of the Luftsport-Verein Gifhorn e.V. [Aerial Sports Club].
Here, the old grooved hydraulic rings made of NBR [Perbunan] were replaced with dry running sealing rings consisting of ESKAFLON 305. This not only increased the sealing efficiency of the pump, but also stopped corrosion, which had always been a problem up to then.
In addition to such attractive and rare applications, STASSKOL uses ESKAFLON 305 in Oxygen compressors with reciprocating movement, (the reciprocating compressors) as standard sealing material.
Top requirements exist for the production of ESKAFLON 305.
Here, only high-quality filling materials are used. The properties of both the raw materials and the mixture are subject to stringent controls during the production process. This is the only way to ensure that the material is suitable for use with pure Oxygen.
Course record flight
of the Luftsport-Verein Gifhorn e.V. [Aerial Sports Club]
The material makes the difference
Tensile strength, wear rates, surface resistance and thermal expansion coefficients, these are all performance indicators which can be influenced decisively by using optimum material. That is why STASSKOL has carried out intense research and developments in the field of high-performance polymers for several decades and does so successfully.